
1826 Rollins Rd.
Burlingame, CA, 94010
United States


1826 Rollins Rd.
Burlingame, CA, 94010
United States
  • Value Proposition

    Make delivery cheaper, safer, and cleaner

  • Technology Description

    Udelv’s technology is comprised of an autonomous driver assisted with a state-of-the-art integrated ultra-low latency tele-operation system and the world’s first feature-complete back-end delivery management system. The advanced delivery robotics technology is designed to enable the removal of the human factor in point-to-point deliveries before expanding to larger adjacent areas.

    The system has shown a remarkable ability to operate deliveries on fixed, repeatable public roads where autonomy and parking lot maneuvers are assisted with a robust tele-operation system located thousands of miles away from the field operation. The tele-operation meshes multiple sensor signals to augment camera views and relies on a series of modems for redundancy and packet distribution for ultra-low latency. The integration allows for major improvements in system reliability as well as early detection of situations that require intervention, resulting in major gains in overall safety and operability.

    Autonomy relies on a series of sensors that include a Velodyne Alpha Prime, 3 Pucks, cameras, Continental radars, Novatel GPS/IMU, and a powerful computing system comprised of NVIDIA GPUs and Intel CPUs capable of processing over 22 TFLOPS.

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