Alon Tower 1, Igal Alon 94
Tel Aviv, 6789139


Alon Tower 1, Igal Alon 94
Tel Aviv, 6789139
  • Value Proposition

    MOV.AI disrupts Autonomous Mobile Robot development with the Robotics Engine Platform that contains everything needed to quickly build, deploy and operate intelligent robots.

  • Use Case/Customer Profile

    MOV.AI partnered with Velodyne to offer an off-the-shelf, high-accuracy navigation and localization solution for dynamic environments. It is intended for collaborative robot manufacturers that wish to meet the demand for intelligent automation, quickly and cost-effectively.

    The solution uses Velodyne 3D Lidar sensors and driver, the MOV.AI Robotics Engine Platform, and an off-the-shelf MOV.AI SLAM navigation algorithm. The joint solution was tested in multiple dynamic scenarios, with a pure Lidar-based SLAM (no Odometry/IMU data).

    Test environment highlights:

    • Existence of unmapped objects on the scene
    • Dynamic obstacles: moving vehicles and people
    • High level of occlusion in the field-of-view
    • Environments with varying levels of dynamism, up to 65%
    • Environment low on visual features


    • Integration within minutes, using the MOV.AI Visual IDE drag-n-drop functionality.
    • An average accuracy of ±20mm across all scenarios, in a 65% dynamic environment, with few environmental features. All tests were conducted at an average speed of 2m/sec.
    • Consistent, accurate performance in a reflective, glass environment.
  • Technology Description

    MOV.AI is built on top of ROS, the Robot Operating System, turning it into a full-blown enterprise-grade Robotics Engine Platform that allows you to easily develop and run enterprise-grade robotics software. The Robotics Engine Platform provides you with:

    AMR Development tools

    Out-of-the-box tools and infrastructure to create unique, differentiated AMR software at a fraction of the time and cost. The standard tools, libraries, and APIs seamlessly integrate with your proprietary software and functional algorithms, allowing you to differentiate your AMRs through software.

    AMR planning and deployment tools

    • Open APIs for no-fuss deployments and seamless integration with existing automation environments such as ERP and WMS.
    • Out-of-the-box deployment and maintenance tools such as editors, 3D simulations.
    • Easy upgrades – allowing you to keep up with security updates, comply with changing standards and regulations, or add new functionality.

    Site management and operation tools

    • Control and troubleshoot multiple AMR types with a click of a button.
    • Role-specific real-time robotic fleet dashboards provide site managers and operators with the ability to easily and securely operate multiple robot types and troubleshoot common issues.
    • Schedule tasks, get a reading of your fleet’s status, summon robots, assist robots in need or analyze performance KPIs – all from intuitive role-based dashboards.
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